Thank you for your job application. To continue your application we request you complete our Equal Opportunities form below.
The Trust is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and aims to provide a working and learning environment, which is free from unfair discrimination, enabling staff and students to fulfil their personal potential. The Trust aims to ensure that no individual is unjustifiably discriminated against on the basis of gender or marital status, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, family circumstance or other irrelevant distinction.
Data Protection Act 1998: The information is requested to enable the Trust to monitor its employment decisions and meet statutory obligations, which is within the scope of the Act.
In order to monitor the effectiveness of our policies and procedures and how well we meet our legal requirements, all applicants are requested to complete this form. The information you provide will be treated as STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will be used only for EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES monitoring purposes. It will not be taken into consideration for short listing or interviewing purposes. If you are appointed the information will then be transferred to your personnel record to enable the Trust to meet its monitoring requirements. The information will not be considered relevant or disclosed in consideration for salary progression, promotion or training and development.