Trust INSET Day 2024 Thank you for joining us on our Trust Development Day! Your feedback is very important to us. We would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions: Name First Last RoleSchoolOverall, what was your experience of the day? Excellent Good Unhelpful Please rate the following sessions: Welcome from Sarah Findlay-Cobb, CEO Excellent Good Unhelpful Trust Video Excellent Good Unhelpful Keynote speaker - Craig Thomas Hammond Excellent Good Unhelpful Curriculum session with Christine Counsell Excellent Good Unhelpful Did not attend ‘Belonging’ session with Dr Barot Excellent Good Unhelpful Did not attend Moving Forward with Technology- a vision for the trust – Led by Callum Middlemore, Jonathan Calow, Richard Harbour Excellent Good Unhelpful Pensions for teachers Excellent Good Unhelpful Did not attend SEND session led by Will Goring and Kieron Chatfield Excellent Good Unhelpful Did not attend Safeguarding session led by Mark Andrews, Nathan Hill and Laura Percival Excellent Good Unhelpful Did not attend Group musical activity with Ruth McNeil Excellent Good Unhelpful Did you make links with and have discussions with colleagues from other schools in the trust Yes No To an extent Please rate the venue for the event 1 2 3 4 5 1 = Outstanding 5= PoorPlease rate the catering 1 2 3 4 5 1 = Outstanding 5= PoorOptional comments: